
Options History

This page provides a complete history of my options trades, showing a running tally of the total amount received from options trades, as well as the options income secured from closed, expired, or assigned options. Income from open options are not included as secured income because their liabilities are unknown.

 1. 'ID' is a unique identification number I assign to each option trade, beginning with the first trade, listed chronologically.
 2. 'Action' refers to whether I sold (S) or bought (B) an option.
 3. 'Type' refers to whether the option is a call (C) or a put (P).
 4. 'No.' refers to the number of options I transacted. Each option controls 100 shares of the underlying security.
 5. 'Security' is the underlying stock ticker.
 6. 'T. Date' is the transaction date.
 7. 'Exp Date' is the expiration date of the option.
 8. 'Days' is the number of days till expiration at the time I made the trade.
 9. 'Days left' is the number of days left till expiration from now.
 10. 'Strike' is the price of the stock at which the option comes into the money.
 11. 'C. Price' is the closing price of the stock. This quote may not be up-to-date.
 12. '% from strike' is the percentage difference between the current stock price from the strike. If this figure is negative for a call option and positive for a put option, the option is out-of-the-money.
 13. 'T. Price Open' is the price of the option when I opened the trade.
 14. 'Comm./Fees Open' is the dollar amount of commissions and fees I paid to open the trade.
 15. 'Cost basis' is the the amount to paid to buy the option (if listed as a positive number) or the amount I received to sell the option (if negative).
 16. 'Exp. ratio' is the ratio of commissions/fees to transaction value.
 17. 'C. Price' is the current price of the option. This quote may not be up-to-date.
 18. 'C. Value' is the current value of the option. This quote may not be up-to-date.
 19. 'Unreal. P/L' is the unrealized amount of profit or loss.
 20. 'Intrinsic value' is how much the option is worth if exercised today per share of stock.
 21. 'Time value' is the value of the option attributed to its time premium, calculated as value of the option minus intrinsic value.
 22. 'Status' is the current status of the option, which can be 'open', 'closed', 'expired', 'assigned', or 'rolled'.
 23. 'Short Put Commit' is the amount I committed to buying the stock when I sell a put option.
 24. 'T Price Close' is the price of the option when I close the trade.
 25. 'Comm./Fees Close' is the dollar amount of commissions and fees I paid to close the trade.
 26. 'Price at Exp' is the price of the stock at option expiration.
 27. 'Assign implied loss' is the implied opportunity loss when an in-the-money option is assigned to me. This is calculated as the difference between the price at expiration and the strike price, times 100 stock per option, times number of options.
 28. 'Total expenses' is the total of commissions and fees paid to close the option and assignment implied loss.
 29. 'Total income' is the cumulative amount of income received.
 30. 'Secured income' is the cumulative amount of income received less expenses for options that have been closed, expired, assigned, or rolled.

Monthly Totals

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